Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Domestic Violence

One of my best friends is in need. She told me she needed to talk and my first thought was another fight with her boyfriend. I met her in the parking lot of our local store. Before she told me what was going on she made me promise first to listen to everything she said before I spoke and to not tell anyone. I agreed of course.

Well she took off her shirt and showed me her bruises. Her and her boyfriend got in a major fight. She wanted to let me know she did fight back. Deep down inside I knew this would happen. All her friends knew it would happen. But some how we go on with our daily lives like nothing is going on. She wants to stay with him!!

I am a little afraid that things will seem better and I will forget this and then he will hurt really bad or kill her. I want to shake her and make her wake up, but we all know that will not work. All I can do is listen and remind her people don't change.

Monday, July 20, 2009


My sons birthday is next week. He is turning 12. Wow they grow so fast. We are going to have a party for him and my husband is not sure he wants to invite his brother. There has been some tension there lately. You know how families can get. I would like to see my husband push past this and invite his brother. But that is not my call.

Of course all this has been causing my husband stress which makes him anxious. When he feels that way everything at home has to be just so. He likes things neat and in order. Which I am not even close to that. Don't get me wrong our house is clean and neat but I like to keep all my paper work on the kitchen table spread out. Well he hates that. I hate when he makes me pile it up. That causes me stress.

On top of all this my daughter is moving in to her new home which needs alot of work. They were going to move in this weekend now after I sent out the party invites she decided they want to move the weekend of the party.