Monday, August 31, 2009

Farm Town

I have to say that my life has been taken over by a game called Farm Town. I play it through my Face Book account. My husband thinks its a waste of time and a waste of the use for the computer. Which I believe is only because he doesn't know how to use it. But on to the fun stuff!! Farm Town is a very addictive game. You start off with a small plot of land and build it up with houses and fences etc. I seen so many different designs and people writing their names with flowers and making faces from their crops. You make more coins by helping others and having others help you. You helps to make neighbors to help you on your farm. You get better rates with you neighbors and buddies, then with strangers. I have talked with people from England, Ireland and Canada. My son seems to think its an old person game but I have seen people in their 20's play it up to their 50's. If you get a chance you should check it out for yourself. You can also play it off of myspace. GOOD LUCK!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lay offs

Well today my husband finally told me why he has been in his "mood". Some of the other workers feel that there may be a layoff. I wish he would not worry about that. No one from management said anything like that. But once its in his head he cant get it out. Sometimes I wish he would take meds for this. I would like to know what it is like to come home to someone who was almost always in a good mood. I hate having to tip toe around most days. I hate feeling my issues are not as important as his. Lately I have been given in to his rants. Mostly when they will in the end come back around on him. I thought why fight when I know he has to see the light on his own. Sometimes it takes years and other times a few minutes. The only down side of this is when he tries to turn it around that it was his idea the whole time. EXAMPLE

Me: When you take a shower open the door. Don't turn on the fan. Remember the guy told us it not going out of the attic.
Husband: That's bullshit its not going to rust the nails in the attic.

10 years later

Husband: I told you don't use the fan its rusting the nails in the attic!
Me: You always use the fan!
Husband: Not since the guy told us about the nails in the attic!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Flower Tags

My husband and went to our therapy appt. today. For two weeks now I have held in my angry over something my husband did. I wanted to discuss it in front of the therapist so she could see what I go through. In the spring when we bought flowers I wanted to keep the flower labels in the ground with each new plant we bought. We were trying new things this year. He did not want to do that but said ok. Then every so often he would bring it up and I said no. Well he decided to take them out anyway. Never said a word to me. Well we get to therapy and this is the first thing I bring up. He makes it sound that its not important. They are just labels. He also said that he was embarrassed to have them in the ground. I feel as if my things my thoughts are not important to him. Its what he wants (what looks good to him). He hasn't taken care of our driveway which is full of weeds. I'd say they are about 3 inches high. I would be more embarrassed by the weeds than flower labels.

I know this is not a major incident but its the same thing with alot of other things. I feel I also need to go his way. I asked him to hang his towel on one shower rod instead of both of them. (So it would not get wet when someone is in the shower). He could not do this because it hurts his back. Then he tells me not leave my book in the bathroom on top of his magazines because its to hard to put his magazine back under my it.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Son's birthday

We had my son's birthday party this past weekend. My husband cleaned up the yard. Which in tailed-cutting the weeds, cleaning the lawn chairs and tables, moving his motorcycle and the bike cycles to another location. The bikes were tarped and locked. I did all the cooking and cleaning inside the house. We had two parties, one was just for his friends and the other was for the aunts and uncles. My sister-in-law went with me to the pool for the kids party. We had a great time. Of course our son made out pretty good on the money for gifts. There were no arguments and everyone left happy.

The price of the parties was alot. I cooked myself except for a pizza at the pool and the cake ate the house. I must have spent about $150.00, if not more. Then you wonder would it be cheaper to have it some where else.