Monday, December 8, 2008

Old Ways

I think my husband slipped back into his old ways. He came home from work and started yelling why there was wrestling on tv. Well I had happened to be watching a show and when it went off I went into the bathroom and the next show came on. That is when he came home. Now if he would have accepted that answer everything would have been ok. But nooooo! He just kept getting madder and madder. I said please tell me you are not really that mad about this. He said yes. He would not stop until I said this is not going to work. Well you know that got him to calm down real fast. Then I found out the real reason he was so mad was that I asked him to check with his work to see about putting our son on his health insurance. He had to call the office three times and of course open enrollment already pasted. He had to hear the song and dance about why he could not do it. It makes me afraid to ask him to do anything. If he has a problem doing it then I have to face the music. Its not like someone just in a bad mood, everything is an explosion. I could handle a little angry but this is too much. He has his therapy appointment today. Lets hope this helps.