Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wayne Dryer

Its been several days since are big fight. My husband can not understand why I am mad at him. He feels we didn’t even fight. I tried to explain to him that he was doing all the screaming and yell and would not let me say a word. He just does not get it. He missed this week’s therapy appt due to being sick. He is supposed to make the next one so that both of us can attend. I am at my wits end right now and don’t what to do. If he is not fully understanding how he sounds how is he to understand what he is doing to me and our son!

I was flipping through the channels the other day and Wayne Dryer was on the PPS station talking about his book. The book is called “Excuses Be Gone”. It talked about you can accomplish anything you want if you get rid of the excuses. This really intrigued me so of course when I went to the book store to buy it they were sold out. I hope that means it’s a good book. I ordered the book and should get it by Thursday. This is one thing I do a lot is make excuses. I am not sure if I do that because I really don’t want to do what I am making excuse for or if I really don’t think I can do what I am planning. Hopefully this book will make an impact on my life

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