Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Do you want a credit card?

I have a question.  I would like to know who hates it when you are shopping and at the check out they ask you 50 million personal questions.  What’s your phone number, what is your email address and do you want to apply for a credit card.  Its kind of hard to say I will not shop in that store anymore, because all the stores do it now.  They push their workers to ask these question by saying if your numbers are low we will let you go.  I think as the customer we should stand stronger and say no.  You don’t need that information.  If I want to be on a mailing list I will ask you.  If I want your credit card I will ask to fill it out.  If you don’t like being asked these questions tell them.  Write the store and complain.  What if you had a stalker?  They could be in the store with you hear you give this information out and then they too would have your personal information.

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