Thursday, September 3, 2009

Farm Town part 2 (tips)

I love this game. I just found out a coworker joined Face Book. So of course I am telling her all about Farm Town. I read other peoples post about this game add my comments that may help them. Today I hired two people to harvest my farm and I notice one of the girls first went for my trees. Which I don't mind, but I thought it was strange. So I went to her farm only to find out she is a newbie. So I sent her a private chat to let her know always start harvesting with the good crops first. Especially if there is more then one person doing the harvesting. You don't want to waste time on a crop that will yield you 20 coins when you can be harvesting pumpkins that give you 118 coins. PLEASE DON'T BEG TO GET HIRED!!!! Most people ignore the beggars. Make sure you say hello, and answer people. That is what most people want when they are looking to hire someone. When you get to the farm please say thank you. Then when finished ask if you can harvest. The other thing I don't like is when I am in the market place and out of no where someone wants to add me to their buddy list. I don't know you, so please don't add me. If I work on your farm or you work on mind and we get to talking then we can be buddies. You can earn xpoints my working on your neighbors farms and coins. If they have not water their flowers yet you can do it for them and make coins. One of my neighbors I can make up to 65 coins just by water her flowers. Which also saves her coins because you have to pay to water your own flowers.

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