Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The first five years

There was alot of fighting I would leave for a day and of course come back. The house had to be clean at all times. My daughter could not be playing in the living room when he got home from work. He never cooked or did dishes. Even when he was out of work for awhile. We had a tiny apartment. There were good days but looking back it seems that its easier to remember the pain. At this point he wouldnt hit me cause he knew I would call the police. Boy did he threaten to. I quess because of that I would throw things sometimes at him. We moved to a different apartment and he got a different job. Then the whinning started about how much he hated his job. Everytime he had a bad day he would want to quit. Hes a truck driver on the road most of the time. He would have to unload the truck and bring it in to the store. The stuff was always to heavy for him. I think that thought came from his father always telling him he was to small for hard work. He would never look for another job. My thought is if you hate you job start looking for something else. The one thing I hated the most was how he would tell me to go clean up the kitchen. I mean there would be one bowl or one spoon in the sink and I have to go clean it.

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